Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I am officially 17 months old! Woo Hoo!

My new favorite thing: BUBBLES! Love bubbles! My Grandpa Ken and Eleanor gave me an early Easter basket with bubbles and I LOVE them! Can't get enough.
My "go to" snack right now: Life Cereal
Strangest food I like right now: Chips and Salsa. Oh and lettuce! I love lettuce for some strange reason!
Diaper size: 5
Sleep: Sleeping in my crib - all through the night! Mommy and Daddy are sooooo happy!
What's bothering me lately: I'm teething like crazy and it HURTS!
Favorite book: Pajama Time - Owen left it at my house and I want to read it over and over and over again. Jamma Jamma Jamma Jamma P! J!
Favorite Cartoon: Daniel Tiger. Also love Sesame Street.
Cutest new word: "Happy!"
Love wearing: A hat, a jacket and shoes. I just love getting dressed and ready to go! Even if we're not going anywhere. (:

Friday, March 1, 2013