Monday, June 24, 2013

Allison's 3rd Birthday Party

I went to Allison's 3rd Birthday Party yesterday! It was so fun!

We went to Pump It Up in Sunnyvale. While everyone else was bouncing in the bounce house, I was obsessed with this Little Tikes car. I could not get enough!

All of these pictures are blurry because I was always IN MOTION! GO GO GO!
I really love pretending to drive! It's so fun!

Oh and look at this sneaky maneuver I tried! Oh Geez - Mommy caught me!
I'm such a daredevil!

Happy Birthday Allison! Thanks for inviting me!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

San Mateo County Fair

Mommy and Daddy took me to the San Mateo County Fair last week! We saw lots of animals.

I saw a big snake, birds, spiders and an alligator in the Rain Forest exhibit.
When I saw the birds I said "Bird Bird".
I also saw a big cow! Moooooo! And ducks, bunnies, goats, sheep and a donkey.

The only ride I'm big enough for is the Carousel! But that's okay - I had lots of fun and went twice!

So much fun!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Baby Carson

I met my buddy Owen's new baby brother, Carson. He is so cute! I try to say "Carson" and it just comes out "Cars". I also like to repeat "Baby, Baby" when I see him. I can't wait for the day that he can play!! (:

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Picnic in the Park

We had a picnic at Coyote Point Park on Sunday. Lots of friends and family were there. Here's a photo of me, Mommy, Deb and little Ryan. It was a very fun day!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Sometimes I like to wear my helmet in the car......What can I say, I'm just a really safe guy (:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Zoey Garcia!

Saturday I went to Zoey Garcia's 2nd Birthday Party! She had a "Candy Land" Theme Birthday. I loved running around and playing with everyone. Zoey got a new bicycle for her Birthday and I tried to steal it a couple times. (: She had a beautiful cake and lots of fun presents. I went to her house after the party and helped her play with all the fun new toys! Happy Birthday Zoey! Love you!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Happy Easter!

My Easter weekend was really fun! Saturday I went to the Eggstravaganza at Central Park in San Mateo with Mommy. We met Owen and his Mommy and Daddy there.

I found lots of eggs in the Easter egg hunt!
 And I played bubbles with Owen!

I jumped, ran and giggled in the parachute! I loved that!
And played with Owen in the playground.

On Sunday the Easter Bunny brought me a really cool basket with lots of goodies!

Then we went to my Grandma and Grandpa's house and I got more goodies!!!
My cousin Adam and I got matching towels with hoods! Don't we look like 2 little matching Yodas? Ha Ha So funny!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Swim Class - June/July 2012

Here's some photos from last summer's swim class at the Joinville Pool. I was only 9 months old in these pictures.  I met my good buddy Owen there. Owen's Daddy, Mike, took these pictures. Can't wait to take swim classes again this summer.

Here I am at the bottom of the picture with Mommy and Owen is uppper right with his Mommy, Lisa. Our instructor is in the hat.
I really loved the water and had no fear at all. I never cried - I really am a water baby!
"Swimming" through the hoola hoop was one of the moves we learned.
I mastered that one right away!
Here I am chillin' on my back.
We had so much fun!